I always thought that you can deal with stupid and arrogant people. Unfortunately in this situation things got a bit tough because his
stupidity has climbed up 0n extraordinary levels! Even the deadly Ninja colleague of ours admitted that he cannot deal with him anymore!!! Oh i forgot to mention how good friends with the truth he is....yeah
that's right...
everything he says is
"true" and
there is no doubt about it! If you don't believe him, his father can always confirm! If you ever doubt him he will use his super powers to block your
Internet connection, your
IM clients and leave you alone on this universe as the Ultimate punishment!!! Do not mess with
"Master of the Network" or you will find your PC in the dust bin and
yourselfs trapped in the Matrix playing with
Neo and his toys!!!
If you don't believe me see what happened to a colleague of ours who tried to go against the Master! She found her computer binned!!!
So beware! The Master is watching you!